So. . . I am done, finally, finished. I have completed my first year of graduate school, and haven't managed to flunk out yet. HOORAY! So Wednesday was my last day of classes/finals, and I am now free for the summer (hey, who cares if my summer vacation is a total of 2 weeks long, at least it's a break!) They year was super stressful, (probably obvious because of the lack of blog posts) and I wasn't sure I would make it through, but hey, I did. . . and supposidly I make a pretty dang good clinician too. . . even if I don't like the classes necessarily. Well, I am now here in NYC to enjoy the weekend with Ryan before I head home to Cali on Tuesday. I can't wait to see the sights here today. . . I haven't been here in like 4 years, and I love this city! I'll post some pictures and stuff as the weekend goes on.