Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Sad Man

So yesterday I had my first encounter with something so many face in their classes on a daily basis. I was forced to sit in the front of a class in which a teacher discounted what I hold dear. He discounted God.
Ya know. . . at first I was really mad, angry that a man who doesn’t believe in God can preach over the pulpit of man (the lecturer’s podium) his own beliefs. I was angry that I, a christian, can’t even utter my Savior’s name. I thought of how contradictory it is that I am prohibited from saying that God exists, when I can be indoctrinated in the nonexistence of god in a class, which I pay $3000 to take, and have no choice to not listen. I am required to believe (for the time I am in his class) that there is no God, that only science, only the physical exists. There is no truth unless it can be seen, unless it can be proven. As he spoke of the incorrectness of feeling, and the correctness of proof, the invention of God, the invention of religion, etcetera, I became increasingly angry. Then as he looked at me and asked some question or other I looked into his eyes and saw. . . nothing. There was no light, there was no joy, there was no happiness. In that moment my anger turned to sadness. I was so sad for this man who could not prove God. This man who has studied the ways of men for years. This man who specializes in the ways in which variables may be manipulated was himself unmanipulable. He was unable to be allow himself to become the dependent variable, with the independent variable being God. How sad would it be to live a life where there is no one to turn to when something goes wrong but yourself, no one to help you, no one to cry to when your life goes astray. How terrible a life. I live in a world where God has told me how to prove he exists, and I choose to accept his invitation, and not only to step into the unknown in faith, but to continue forward, and I find joy in my belief in the unproveable. I felt so sorry for this sad man.


The Carroll's said...

I had a professor that was the same way. My biology professor my Freshman year. He even made fun of the church. Before that I had sat through almost the entire semester dreading it. I dropped the class the next day and wrote a letter to the Dean. (I was at Crafton, you know Harvard on the Hill..) I don't know what happened to him, if anything, but I felt I needed to say something to someone that he was saying awful things about religion and religious people all the time. There wasn't a class that would go by that he criticized some church or religion. It was bad.

I hope the semester isn't as bad as mine was. Good lucK!

Vonnie said...

I enjoy reading your observations Caps. Good stuff! I hope you're doing well in Boston, even in trying circumstances like you've described. Keep the faith. We think of you often and we're proud of you.