Friday, October 31, 2008


Today- today was a good day, no wait, it was a great day! I got up for clinic this morning after a full night's sleep. I went to school, and though I left late I got there on time. My teacher was incredibly nice to me (even though I am a bit behind on my reports in her class). The child I work with was talking today, and I mean he was talking, he has gone from literally not even making a sound vocally to talking, all the time (ok so you can't understand it all the time, but just the fact that he is doing it is wonderful!). I had midterm evaluations where I was told that I was a fantastic clinician by both my instructors. They had so many compliments and were so amazed at how much my client has progressed in the last month. I walked down to subway and got the most delicious sandwich, she loaded it with more veggies than they ever put on, and it tasted so good. Then I went to my neuroscience class where I took a quiz that I didn't study for and I actually knew some if not most of the material, and then when the class had finished the quiz she said, "well guess what, I am going to give everyone who took the quiz a 100%" my happiness was bumped up another notch. Next, we proceeded with a lecture, which for the first time in the history of the class I actually understood... no... I didn't just understand it I totally got it. It was amazing, and interesting, and just took my mind to places it misses going. Then, as if my day wasn't good enough, class was dismissed an hour early. I walked to the subway with a bounce in my step. I couldn't seem to wipe the grin off my face as I waited for the train (not that I would have wanted to). I got a great seat and listened to Enya (my traditional friday afternoon relaxation music). When I arrived at my stop it was warm and sunny and the leaves were painted yellow, and red, and orange, and gold. It was beautiful! All of a sudden I felt something so rich, so warm, so beautiful. I wondered to myself what the feeling was, and it hit me. Joy. I felt joy. Joy in my wonderful day, joy in having a wonderful life, joy. I was so full of gratitude to God that as I walked down the path, across the street, and up the stairs on my way home I talked with him aloud. I thanked him for the day, for my blessings, for everything I had. I had to admit that I didn't know why I was so joyful today, that it wasn't for the big things, but the little ones. I thanked him for the love I felt from him, for the fact that I knew that he was my father and that he loves me. I thanked him for my gratitude. I thanked him for everything I could think of. Yes I know that at least here on this earth that feeling won't last forever... but I am so thankful I got to experience it, if only for a moment.


Anonymous said...

Catherine, you are so cool! Your blogs have been so uplifting and inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing the joy you've been feeling!

It's interesting how moving to a new place and starting grad school has changed the both of us. I've been learning some of the same things about life that you have shared. Since I got here I've been discovering how to find joy in the smallest things. I'm happy almost all the time. I've discovered that being inundated with work and activities is actually a good thing and I love my life more than I ever have.

It's such a joy to read about the experiences you've shared with us. My day is now better for having read your thoughts. Thank you!


The Carroll's said...

Awesome day! Isn't it great to get the gems sometimes? It helps when every other times seem like its just blah!!

Jessica Newman said...

Catherine- you are so freakin cool - you have a BLOG! I am so happy to find it! How is Boston! We are loving Nashville. It is great to hear about your exciting life!