Sunday, July 19, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Thankful for boredom
So I am feeling a bit bored- sitting here in class. I guess that is a good sign. I am thankful for boredom- being that it means that I know the stuff well enough to be bored. I am also grateful for a teacher who is pretty laid back and really nice. Thank heavens I am not sitting in a class where the teacher is a jerk and doesn't make the class fun. As a matter of fact he just asked if we were tuning him out- I replied "yes" jokingly of course (ok obviously not really because, I am writing this as he speaks) and he laughed and went on a tangent about seasonal affect disorder and how he feels the same way- and that he is going to just use that as an excuse when his wife asks him to do things. Seriously though- I am hearing something to the tune of prompts blah blah blah blah, seasonal affect disorder yadda yadda yadda, talk about it again blah blah, subsequent response. Yeah, not exactly the best use of my 3 hours in class. I have actually googled boredom and found and found that even that is boring. Well, I am thankful to be alive so I can be bored- thankful for cognition so I can know when I am out of it, I am thankful for work so I don't have to be bored, I am thankful for learning so I can expand my mind, I am thankful for interesting things- even though I am not experiencing any at this moment.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
About Me:
Answer True or False
Q: Kissed someone on your friends list? yes
Q: Been arrested? no
Q: Do you like someone? mmmmm yes!
Q: Held a snake? yes
Q: Been suspended from school? no
Q: Sang karaoke? yes
Q: Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do? yes
Q: Laughed until you started crying? yes
Q: Caught a snowflake on your tongue? yes
Q: Kissed in the rain? many a time
Q: Sang in the shower? yes
Q: Sat on a roof top? yes
Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? yes
Q: Broken a bone? yes
Q: Shaved your head? no, but I have wanted to
Q: Played a prank on someone? of course- but not in the past 24 hours- can't say much longer than that since I have.
Q: Shot a gun? nope
Q: Donated Blood? no
1. You hung out with?: Ryan
2. You texted?: JM
3. You were in a car with?: Ryan
4. Went to the movies with?: Ryan- last night actually
5. Person you went to shop with?: JM. . . unless you are talking about grocery- then it's Ryan
6. You talked to on the phone?: Ryan. . . seeing a trend yet
7. Made you laugh?: Pam. . . or maybe those guys on the T earlier
8. You hugged?: Ryan
1. Sun or moon?: Sun
2. Winter or Fall?: Fall
3. Left or Right?: left
4. Sunny or rainy?: Sunny
5. Where do you live?: Brighton
6. Club or pub?: Home?
7. Are there 1 or 2 people who you can always trust and rely on?: Yes
8. Do you want to get married?: September
9. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Twirl
10. What time is it?: 6:46
11. Are you afraid of commitment?: Nope- at least I don't think so
12. What is your greatest hope/wish?: To make it to the celestial kingdom
13. Do you cook?: yep. . . just did this morning
14. Current mood?: sleepy
1. Sang?: nope- don't think so
2. Listened to music?: yes
3. Danced Crazy?: No
4. Cried?: No- but wanted to yes
5. Liked someone you can't have?: Yes
25 FIRSTS .....
1.Who was your first prom (or homecoming) date?: Kevin Perry- and second and third
2. Who was your first roommate?: Wendy
3. What alcoholic beverage did you drink the first time?: Never have
4. What was your first job?: Secretary at Guarantee Residential Lending
5. What was your first car?: Toyota Previa
6. When did you go to your first funeral?: First one I remember- 5
7. Who was your first grade teacher?: Mrs. Sousa
9. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?: Probably utah, who knows I must have been like 2 weeks old or something
10. When you snuck out of your house for the first time?: 13 or so
11. Who was your first best friend?: Kamey I think
12. Who was your first best friend in high school?: Catherine, Sarah, Lindsey and Lauren
13. Where was your first sleepover? Like I have any idea
14. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?: Ryan or JM
15. Whose wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or groomsman?: Katie Jo
16. What is the first thing you did when you got up this morning?: wanted to go back to seep- said my prayers instead
17. What was the first concert you went to?: NA- or a choir concert of some sort
18. What was the last concert you went to?: NA- or the symphony
19. First tattoo or piercing?: Ears
20. First celebrity crush?: Matt Damon
21. Current celebrity crush?: NA
22. First crush?: TJ Bell
23. Current crush?: Ryan- does it count as a crush if you are dating the person?
24. First time you tied your shoe laces?: I can remember my dad teaching me before I went to preschool- we couldn't go if we couldn't tie our shoes- so like age 3- who knows
Five names you go by:
1. Catherine
2. Cat
3. Catherineeeeeee-vans
4. Hey you
5. (point)
Three things you are wearing right now:
1. socks
2. bra
3. hair tie
Three things you want very badly at the moment:
1. sleep
2. to be out of class- eating at the scooper bowl
3. ryan
Two things you did last night:
1. Watched Star Trek
2. Kissed Ryan
Two things you ate today:
1. Home made chinese food
2. Bugles
Two people you last talked to on the phone:
1. Mom
2. Ryan
Three things you are going to do tomorrow:
1. Study
2. go to swallowing class
3. eat ice cream- lots and lots of ice cream
Two longest car rides:
1. Redlands to Boston
2. Not sure- definitely traveling with my parents through Argentina felt like the longest
Favorite beverages:
1. Water
2. Root Beer
3. Fanta- but only the European stuff
Answer True or False
Q: Kissed someone on your friends list? yes
Q: Been arrested? no
Q: Do you like someone? mmmmm yes!
Q: Held a snake? yes
Q: Been suspended from school? no
Q: Sang karaoke? yes
Q: Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do? yes
Q: Laughed until you started crying? yes
Q: Caught a snowflake on your tongue? yes
Q: Kissed in the rain? many a time
Q: Sang in the shower? yes
Q: Sat on a roof top? yes
Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? yes
Q: Broken a bone? yes
Q: Shaved your head? no, but I have wanted to
Q: Played a prank on someone? of course- but not in the past 24 hours- can't say much longer than that since I have.
Q: Shot a gun? nope
Q: Donated Blood? no
1. You hung out with?: Ryan
2. You texted?: JM
3. You were in a car with?: Ryan
4. Went to the movies with?: Ryan- last night actually
5. Person you went to shop with?: JM. . . unless you are talking about grocery- then it's Ryan
6. You talked to on the phone?: Ryan. . . seeing a trend yet
7. Made you laugh?: Pam. . . or maybe those guys on the T earlier
8. You hugged?: Ryan
1. Sun or moon?: Sun
2. Winter or Fall?: Fall
3. Left or Right?: left
4. Sunny or rainy?: Sunny
5. Where do you live?: Brighton
6. Club or pub?: Home?
7. Are there 1 or 2 people who you can always trust and rely on?: Yes
8. Do you want to get married?: September
9. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Twirl
10. What time is it?: 6:46
11. Are you afraid of commitment?: Nope- at least I don't think so
12. What is your greatest hope/wish?: To make it to the celestial kingdom
13. Do you cook?: yep. . . just did this morning
14. Current mood?: sleepy
1. Sang?: nope- don't think so
2. Listened to music?: yes
3. Danced Crazy?: No
4. Cried?: No- but wanted to yes
5. Liked someone you can't have?: Yes
25 FIRSTS .....
1.Who was your first prom (or homecoming) date?: Kevin Perry- and second and third
2. Who was your first roommate?: Wendy
3. What alcoholic beverage did you drink the first time?: Never have
4. What was your first job?: Secretary at Guarantee Residential Lending
5. What was your first car?: Toyota Previa
6. When did you go to your first funeral?: First one I remember- 5
7. Who was your first grade teacher?: Mrs. Sousa
9. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?: Probably utah, who knows I must have been like 2 weeks old or something
10. When you snuck out of your house for the first time?: 13 or so
11. Who was your first best friend?: Kamey I think
12. Who was your first best friend in high school?: Catherine, Sarah, Lindsey and Lauren
13. Where was your first sleepover? Like I have any idea
14. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?: Ryan or JM
15. Whose wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or groomsman?: Katie Jo
16. What is the first thing you did when you got up this morning?: wanted to go back to seep- said my prayers instead
17. What was the first concert you went to?: NA- or a choir concert of some sort
18. What was the last concert you went to?: NA- or the symphony
19. First tattoo or piercing?: Ears
20. First celebrity crush?: Matt Damon
21. Current celebrity crush?: NA
22. First crush?: TJ Bell
23. Current crush?: Ryan- does it count as a crush if you are dating the person?
24. First time you tied your shoe laces?: I can remember my dad teaching me before I went to preschool- we couldn't go if we couldn't tie our shoes- so like age 3- who knows
Five names you go by:
1. Catherine
2. Cat
3. Catherineeeeeee-vans
4. Hey you
5. (point)
Three things you are wearing right now:
1. socks
2. bra
3. hair tie
Three things you want very badly at the moment:
1. sleep
2. to be out of class- eating at the scooper bowl
3. ryan
Two things you did last night:
1. Watched Star Trek
2. Kissed Ryan
Two things you ate today:
1. Home made chinese food
2. Bugles
Two people you last talked to on the phone:
1. Mom
2. Ryan
Three things you are going to do tomorrow:
1. Study
2. go to swallowing class
3. eat ice cream- lots and lots of ice cream
Two longest car rides:
1. Redlands to Boston
2. Not sure- definitely traveling with my parents through Argentina felt like the longest
Favorite beverages:
1. Water
2. Root Beer
3. Fanta- but only the European stuff
Reality Check
Ok- I just had the funniest experience on the T. I am sitting there minding my own business when these two guys walk on. Being that I am in the habbit of listening in on conversations for at least a second I tuned in to what they were saying. At first it seemed so normal, and then, I realized that they were in a full discussion of the policies of the Empire. They were detaling its history, discussing its current political climet, and talking about the most iminent dangers. Oh, I thought- history majors. . . no. . . not the case. . . I then caught the words "sith lord" and almost lost it. They were discussing The Empire they actually believed themselves to be living in this recession free empire where the major problem happened to be the fact that they were going to have difficulty finding a race similar enough to their own with which to procreate (I agree. . . and yes. . . they actually did discuss this, the difficulty they believe they will encounter in finding a mate) among other topics discussed was the way that past rulers had influenced the current political tide, and how history may repeat itself with the recent birth of "the small sith" who on earth has any idea what that means, but I thought it was like the best thing I had ever heard. I wished I had taped the entire conversation so I could laugh about it on some future bad day. Reality Check Guys- this is planet earth.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
First Year
So. . . I am done, finally, finished. I have completed my first year of graduate school, and haven't managed to flunk out yet. HOORAY! So Wednesday was my last day of classes/finals, and I am now free for the summer (hey, who cares if my summer vacation is a total of 2 weeks long, at least it's a break!) They year was super stressful, (probably obvious because of the lack of blog posts) and I wasn't sure I would make it through, but hey, I did. . . and supposidly I make a pretty dang good clinician too. . . even if I don't like the classes necessarily. Well, I am now here in NYC to enjoy the weekend with Ryan before I head home to Cali on Tuesday. I can't wait to see the sights here today. . . I haven't been here in like 4 years, and I love this city! I'll post some pictures and stuff as the weekend goes on.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The good life
Ya know,
Sometimes I think life is really hard. I mean there are those hard days. . . believe me I know. I mean there are times where it feels like there is no way on earth I can take this life any longer (I'm not saying that I can't take living anymore, just in case anyone was wondering if it would be necessary to do an intervention, I am just saying that this life, ya know the one where I go to grad school, work, do clinic, a relationship, and everything else is tough) I feel a bit overwhelmed and life just gets to me. . . but really, do you know how amazing this life is? I mean, I live in an incredible city, where I can stroll along a beautiful river and feel peace in this hectic world. I have a job (though I don't work much, it is still something) I can go to school (no matter how tough it is) and I am doing something I love (even if I don't love it every moment of every day.) I think about all the people in this world who don't have anything, or even those who have everything and yet they have nothing. I mean, how many people don't love what they do? How many people don't have the gospel like I do? How many people can't go to school? How many people are homeless? How many people are jobless? How many people have nothing? I mean I can touch, taste, smell, hear, and see. . . so many people can't. I have infinite options, whereas the majority of the world don't. I love this life! I am thankful for it! I live the good life!
Sometimes I think life is really hard. I mean there are those hard days. . . believe me I know. I mean there are times where it feels like there is no way on earth I can take this life any longer (I'm not saying that I can't take living anymore, just in case anyone was wondering if it would be necessary to do an intervention, I am just saying that this life, ya know the one where I go to grad school, work, do clinic, a relationship, and everything else is tough) I feel a bit overwhelmed and life just gets to me. . . but really, do you know how amazing this life is? I mean, I live in an incredible city, where I can stroll along a beautiful river and feel peace in this hectic world. I have a job (though I don't work much, it is still something) I can go to school (no matter how tough it is) and I am doing something I love (even if I don't love it every moment of every day.) I think about all the people in this world who don't have anything, or even those who have everything and yet they have nothing. I mean, how many people don't love what they do? How many people don't have the gospel like I do? How many people can't go to school? How many people are homeless? How many people are jobless? How many people have nothing? I mean I can touch, taste, smell, hear, and see. . . so many people can't. I have infinite options, whereas the majority of the world don't. I love this life! I am thankful for it! I live the good life!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Running for office in Canada
So, I was just checking out the links that people use to get to my blog, and I discovered that I am running for office in Canada. I am so excited. . . I never knew that I would be successful enough to do this. . . but hey. . . I guess I am. So now I present my platform for everyone to read:
I pledge to do my best to become a Canadian citizen if I am elected to office
I pledge to get Canada inducted into the US as the largest state in the union.
I pledge to do my best to make everyone happy.
I pledge to take all the money anyone wants to give me. . . but not listen to them when it comes down to it
I pledge to do whatever job it is that I am running for. . . as long as I don't actually have to be there. . . or do anything for it.
Check out the article about me in some canadian newspaper or something:
I am so awesome. . . no wonder I am not feeling rested when I wake up in the morning. . . I must be running for office in my sleep.
I pledge to do my best to become a Canadian citizen if I am elected to office
I pledge to get Canada inducted into the US as the largest state in the union.
I pledge to do my best to make everyone happy.
I pledge to take all the money anyone wants to give me. . . but not listen to them when it comes down to it
I pledge to do whatever job it is that I am running for. . . as long as I don't actually have to be there. . . or do anything for it.
Check out the article about me in some canadian newspaper or something:
I am so awesome. . . no wonder I am not feeling rested when I wake up in the morning. . . I must be running for office in my sleep.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Full of Blessings
So this week was far better than last!
Monday: I GOT MY COMPUTER BACK!!!! A mere 21 days without my computer. . . the man was so nice becasue he even gave it to me in the morning even though they don't open the shipment until night. I went to class, and the teacher had corrected our tests. I was dreading getting it back, because she just so happens to be the hardest grading teacher of all, and I had only answered enough questions to get an 84% even if she gave me full credit for every answer. Well, I knew that I wouldn't be getting full credit on all the answers I did answer. . . so I was expecting something like a 75% or so (being generous to myself. . . a 75%). Well, I got it back, and there on the paper was 88%. Don't ask me how it happened. I added up the points like a hundred times, and it was right, she had somehow given me more credit on all of the questions than I actually deserved. . . which I am sure was only due to the fact that everyone in my family, as well as most of my friends were praying for me that I could do well on the test. It was awesome. Thanks for your prayers everyone, they totally worked.
Tuesday: I had clinic, and let me tell you. . . it was fantastic. The girl that I am working with had a spectacular day, she was like a changed child. I was floored. . . It was a good day! In the afternoon I went to a clinic observation, which was being supervised by the same supervisor I have for my sessions. She told the student clinician I was observing that I was a supervisor in training, and that she knew that I knew what I was talking about (this from someone who never gives compliments) Tuesday night I also got a bunch done for another class during a super boring lecture. . . which is far better than just playing games online or something, like I was going to do. After class Ryan and I also went to Cheesecake factory as well. . . mmmmmm.
Wednesday: My other clinical supervisor told me that I am progressing so well. The person I am working with on accent modification is doing so well that it makes me happy every time I meet with her. Wednesday night Ryan and I spent a good hour laughing hysterically at something-or other. . . great stress relief especially on a Wednesday when I usually have my weekly breakdown.
Thursday: I got to have a relaxing day because, my client was on vacation!!! (I say this with such enthusiasm because in the 100 or so sessions I have already had with all different clients I have never, and I mean NEVER had one cancel. . . and now. . . two sessions of not having to plan, prepare, or show up. . . ahhhh, sigh of relief). I also took Ryan to Outback, because he was soooo nice and let me use his computer for two weeks because mine was broken. (don't I have the BEST boyfriend ever!?!)
Friday: made some good headway on my paper, got about 600 pages of technical reading in (which let me tell you isn't that fun!) I also got some semblance of an idea of how to write my paper too. Ryan and I also got a Netflix subscription (which is so much fun!) we watched a couple movies. . . nothing that memorable though.
Saturday: I slept in until 11:30 which is unheard of. . . then JM and I went to IHOP for breakfast and I worked on my paper. Now I am at a super nice house babysitting. It is fun, but I am ready to go home and sleep.
So that was my week, and let me tell you it was full of blessings!
Monday: I GOT MY COMPUTER BACK!!!! A mere 21 days without my computer. . . the man was so nice becasue he even gave it to me in the morning even though they don't open the shipment until night. I went to class, and the teacher had corrected our tests. I was dreading getting it back, because she just so happens to be the hardest grading teacher of all, and I had only answered enough questions to get an 84% even if she gave me full credit for every answer. Well, I knew that I wouldn't be getting full credit on all the answers I did answer. . . so I was expecting something like a 75% or so (being generous to myself. . . a 75%). Well, I got it back, and there on the paper was 88%. Don't ask me how it happened. I added up the points like a hundred times, and it was right, she had somehow given me more credit on all of the questions than I actually deserved. . . which I am sure was only due to the fact that everyone in my family, as well as most of my friends were praying for me that I could do well on the test. It was awesome. Thanks for your prayers everyone, they totally worked.
Tuesday: I had clinic, and let me tell you. . . it was fantastic. The girl that I am working with had a spectacular day, she was like a changed child. I was floored. . . It was a good day! In the afternoon I went to a clinic observation, which was being supervised by the same supervisor I have for my sessions. She told the student clinician I was observing that I was a supervisor in training, and that she knew that I knew what I was talking about (this from someone who never gives compliments) Tuesday night I also got a bunch done for another class during a super boring lecture. . . which is far better than just playing games online or something, like I was going to do. After class Ryan and I also went to Cheesecake factory as well. . . mmmmmm.
Wednesday: My other clinical supervisor told me that I am progressing so well. The person I am working with on accent modification is doing so well that it makes me happy every time I meet with her. Wednesday night Ryan and I spent a good hour laughing hysterically at something-or other. . . great stress relief especially on a Wednesday when I usually have my weekly breakdown.
Thursday: I got to have a relaxing day because, my client was on vacation!!! (I say this with such enthusiasm because in the 100 or so sessions I have already had with all different clients I have never, and I mean NEVER had one cancel. . . and now. . . two sessions of not having to plan, prepare, or show up. . . ahhhh, sigh of relief). I also took Ryan to Outback, because he was soooo nice and let me use his computer for two weeks because mine was broken. (don't I have the BEST boyfriend ever!?!)
Friday: made some good headway on my paper, got about 600 pages of technical reading in (which let me tell you isn't that fun!) I also got some semblance of an idea of how to write my paper too. Ryan and I also got a Netflix subscription (which is so much fun!) we watched a couple movies. . . nothing that memorable though.
Saturday: I slept in until 11:30 which is unheard of. . . then JM and I went to IHOP for breakfast and I worked on my paper. Now I am at a super nice house babysitting. It is fun, but I am ready to go home and sleep.
So that was my week, and let me tell you it was full of blessings!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Back to School
So I am now sitting in class. . . hooray! (said sarcastically) I am back in the swing of things after a week break- that now I am finished with feels like it didn't actually happen. Can I just tell you, the stress of grad school is making me feel like it isn't even worth it. I think about the idea of another year + of this, and can't even stand the thought. I used to think that I loved school. . . as a matter of fact. . . I do. . . the learning part- right now I don't feel like I am learning. I just feel like I am having to do a bunch of busy work, which is totally inapplicable. I mean can't I just pay my 50 grand and get the degree without having to do all the crap? I am so sick of the stupid reports- which I have to do multiple times so they are just like the professors want them. . . the stupid tests which examine if I know what the professor wants me to cram in my head just before I take them. . . the papers. . . which actually are more like BS in paragraph form, supported by evidence which some researcher found, and I was able to google. Well, actually, its not all bad. I mean I like the fact that I am learning (in some classes) things that I may actually use. I just feel like teachers want you to feel like you are getting something out of it and therefore are giving tons of busy work- don't they realize that if all the teachers are giving us enough busy work to keep us busy we aren't just busy. . . we can't get it all done?
Sorry for the negative rant. . . I am just not too happy about being back.
Sorry for the negative rant. . . I am just not too happy about being back.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
The Bucket List
Things you have done during your lifetime:
(X) Gone on a blind date
( ) Donated Blood - I tried, but alas, 3rd world country. . . can't
(X) Skipped school
( ) Watched someone die
(x) Been to Canada
(x) Been to Mexico
(X) Been to Florida
(x) Been to Hawaii
(X) Been on a plane
( ) Been on a helicopter
(X) Been lost
(X- just got back) Gone to Washington, DC
( ) Hugged a homeless person
(X) Swam in the ocean
(X) Swam with Stingrays
(X) Been sailing in the ocean
(X) Cried yourself to sleep
( ) Played cops and robbers
(X) Recently colored with crayons
( ) Ran a marathon
(x) Sang Karaoke
(X) Volunteered at a soup kitchen
( ) Paid for a meal with coins only
(X) Been to the top of the St. Louis Arch
(X- at least I think I did when I lived in Seattle) Seen the Northern Lights
( ) Been Parasailing
(X) Been on TV
(X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't
(X) Made a prank phone call
( ) Been down Bourbon Street in New Orleans
(X) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(X) Fed an elephant
(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
( ) Fired a gun
( ) Danced in the rain-naked
(X) Been to the Opera
(X) Written a letter to Santa Claus
(X) Serenaded someone
(X- George Bush- sometime in the 80's) Seen a U.S.President in person
(X) Been kissed under the mistletoe
(X) Watched the sunrise with someone
( ) Driven a race car
(X) Been to a National Museum
(x) Been to a Wax Museum
(X-never again- yuck) Eaten caviar
(X) Blown bubbles
(X) Gone ice-skating
(X) Gone to the movies
( ) Been deep sea fishing
(X- by myself- it sucked) Driven across the United States
( ) Been in a hot air balloon
( ) Been sky diving
( ) Gone snowmobiling
(X)Lived in more than one country
(X) Lay down outside at night and admired the stars while listening to the crickets
(X) Seen a falling star and made a wish
(X) Enjoyed the beauty of Old Faithful Geyser
( )Seen the Grand Canyon - and camped there
(x) Seen the Statue of Liberty
(X- and got my shoe caught in it) Gone to the top of Seattle Space Needle
( ) Been on a cruise
(x) Traveled by train
( ) Traveled by motorcycle
(X) Been horse back riding
(X) Ridden on a San Francisco cable car
(X-both) Been to Disneyland OR Disney World
(X) Truly believe in the power of prayer
(x) Been in a rain forest
(x) Seen whales in the ocean
(X) Been to Niagara Falls
(X) Ridden on an elephant
( ) Swam with dolphins
(X) Been to the Olympics
( ) Walked on the Great Wall of China
( ) Saw and heard a glacier calf
(x) Been water-skiing
(X- man not this year though. . . sad) Been snow-skiing
(x) Been to Westminster Abbey
(X) Been to the Louvre
(X) Swam in the Mediterranean
(x) Been to a Major League Baseball game
( ) Been to a National Football League game
(X-scary even if they were tiny) Swam with sharks
(X) Been White Water Rafting
( ) Written a book or screen play
(X) Climbed a mountain
( ) Had a baby
(X) Gone on a blind date
( ) Donated Blood - I tried, but alas, 3rd world country. . . can't
(X) Skipped school
( ) Watched someone die
(x) Been to Canada
(x) Been to Mexico
(X) Been to Florida
(x) Been to Hawaii
(X) Been on a plane
( ) Been on a helicopter
(X) Been lost
(X- just got back) Gone to Washington, DC
( ) Hugged a homeless person
(X) Swam in the ocean
(X) Swam with Stingrays
(X) Been sailing in the ocean
(X) Cried yourself to sleep
( ) Played cops and robbers
(X) Recently colored with crayons
( ) Ran a marathon
(x) Sang Karaoke
(X) Volunteered at a soup kitchen
( ) Paid for a meal with coins only
(X) Been to the top of the St. Louis Arch
(X- at least I think I did when I lived in Seattle) Seen the Northern Lights
( ) Been Parasailing
(X) Been on TV
(X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't
(X) Made a prank phone call
( ) Been down Bourbon Street in New Orleans
(X) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(X) Fed an elephant
(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
( ) Fired a gun
( ) Danced in the rain-naked
(X) Been to the Opera
(X) Written a letter to Santa Claus
(X) Serenaded someone
(X- George Bush- sometime in the 80's) Seen a U.S.President in person
(X) Been kissed under the mistletoe
(X) Watched the sunrise with someone
( ) Driven a race car
(X) Been to a National Museum
(x) Been to a Wax Museum
(X-never again- yuck) Eaten caviar
(X) Blown bubbles
(X) Gone ice-skating
(X) Gone to the movies
( ) Been deep sea fishing
(X- by myself- it sucked) Driven across the United States
( ) Been in a hot air balloon
( ) Been sky diving
( ) Gone snowmobiling
(X)Lived in more than one country
(X) Lay down outside at night and admired the stars while listening to the crickets
(X) Seen a falling star and made a wish
(X) Enjoyed the beauty of Old Faithful Geyser
( )Seen the Grand Canyon - and camped there
(x) Seen the Statue of Liberty
(X- and got my shoe caught in it) Gone to the top of Seattle Space Needle
( ) Been on a cruise
(x) Traveled by train
( ) Traveled by motorcycle
(X) Been horse back riding
(X) Ridden on a San Francisco cable car
(X-both) Been to Disneyland OR Disney World
(X) Truly believe in the power of prayer
(x) Been in a rain forest
(x) Seen whales in the ocean
(X) Been to Niagara Falls
(X) Ridden on an elephant
( ) Swam with dolphins
(X) Been to the Olympics
( ) Walked on the Great Wall of China
( ) Saw and heard a glacier calf
(x) Been water-skiing
(X- man not this year though. . . sad) Been snow-skiing
(x) Been to Westminster Abbey
(X) Been to the Louvre
(X) Swam in the Mediterranean
(x) Been to a Major League Baseball game
( ) Been to a National Football League game
(X-scary even if they were tiny) Swam with sharks
(X) Been White Water Rafting
( ) Written a book or screen play
(X) Climbed a mountain
( ) Had a baby
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Spring Break
Relaxation. All I can say is that this has been a much needed vacation. I have been on "spring break" since Friday, and let me just tell you. . . I forgot what it was like to relax. I have been here in Washington DC since Friday mid-morning. Ryan came down with me, but he had to leave Monday morning. I have seen pretty much everything there is to see (the big sites anyway) and done some pretty cool stuff. I think that the best thing about this city is that everything is free. . . well the museums that is. . . you seem to make up for the cost with the cost of the subway (between 2-4 bucks a ride)
Friday I rented my first car ever (being that I just turned 25 I now can) and we headed to my great aunt and uncle's place in DC. We went in to town later on and saw the Holocaust museum, a bit of stuff on the mall, and the national archives. It was pretty amazing to see the declaration of independence, and the articles of freedom and all. It made me think about this wonderful country I live in.
Yesterday has to be the best day so far. I woke up super early to get Ryan to the airport and return the car (otherwise it would have been twice the price. . . because we wouldn't have gotten the weekend rate.) I then took the bus in to town (which was outrageously expensive. . . figures. . . public transportation here is sooooo expensive) I got to the mall around 8:45 and was literally the ONLY person there. It was amazing! I got to see everything without the crowds. I walked up to the Washington monument, and got a ticket to go inside later. I then walked down to the WWII memorial, the Lincoln memorial,
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Snow day!
So, I know that it has been forever since I have written anything on my blog. I am pretty sure that no one will even read now when I do start posting again. . . but hey, why not. . . I didn't get this so people would read it anyway. . . it's just a place for me to express my own thoughts. . .
I guess I should write why I have been so lax in writing on my blog. I have been busy beyond belief. I am now working 10-15 hours a week, doing 5 hours of clinic- plus the added 15 hours of analysis on my sessions and the writing of reports, and the re-writing of reports. Oh and then class, I forgot about the 10 hours of class I also have to endure weekly. Did I mention tests?. . . the studying?. . . the paper writing?. . . How about church?. . . A relationship?. . . needless to say, I haven't had time for anything out of the necessary. I mean not that I am complaining. I do better work under pressure, even though I tend to have more breakdowns too. Poor Ryan. . . poor guy has to deal with my bi-weekly melt downs. I can't believe there is anyone in the entire world who would deal with my stressload. Ok. . . so life is good. . . it's just busy.
Ok. . . so on to the real reason for posting. Last week the snow finally melted. . . it is amazing the effect that a couple of days of 40 degree weather will do to the world. So saturday I actually went running in shorts and a t-shirt. I was a bit cold, but not too bad. Spring had finally come to Boston. I was so excited for the green earth to begin peeking through. . . then came Sunday. Sunday night it snowed a foot and a half. . . the streets were so bad that you literally couldn't drive. I had to shovel my car out. . . and when I say this I mean it. . . I literally shoveled my car off, not just out. I woke up to howling wind and of course no heat. . . (being that we haven't actually had a working heater all winter that didn't surprise me) but I didn't care. I looked at my phone to see what time it was and there, in my inbox was the best news of my life (yes. . . literally. . . ok maybe not literally. . . but close to it) I had gotten a text from fox weather telling me that my school was cancelled for the day. I got to stay home and study all day. Not that that sounds fun. . . but when you don't have time to do it during a normal week it is the best thing ever. At night I ordered in some Indian food (which I have been craving for a month. . . but Ryan won't go for it. . .) and just enjoyed my snow day.
I guess I should write why I have been so lax in writing on my blog. I have been busy beyond belief. I am now working 10-15 hours a week, doing 5 hours of clinic- plus the added 15 hours of analysis on my sessions and the writing of reports, and the re-writing of reports. Oh and then class, I forgot about the 10 hours of class I also have to endure weekly. Did I mention tests?. . . the studying?. . . the paper writing?. . . How about church?. . . A relationship?. . . needless to say, I haven't had time for anything out of the necessary. I mean not that I am complaining. I do better work under pressure, even though I tend to have more breakdowns too. Poor Ryan. . . poor guy has to deal with my bi-weekly melt downs. I can't believe there is anyone in the entire world who would deal with my stressload. Ok. . . so life is good. . . it's just busy.
Ok. . . so on to the real reason for posting. Last week the snow finally melted. . . it is amazing the effect that a couple of days of 40 degree weather will do to the world. So saturday I actually went running in shorts and a t-shirt. I was a bit cold, but not too bad. Spring had finally come to Boston. I was so excited for the green earth to begin peeking through. . . then came Sunday. Sunday night it snowed a foot and a half. . . the streets were so bad that you literally couldn't drive. I had to shovel my car out. . . and when I say this I mean it. . . I literally shoveled my car off, not just out. I woke up to howling wind and of course no heat. . . (being that we haven't actually had a working heater all winter that didn't surprise me) but I didn't care. I looked at my phone to see what time it was and there, in my inbox was the best news of my life (yes. . . literally. . . ok maybe not literally. . . but close to it) I had gotten a text from fox weather telling me that my school was cancelled for the day. I got to stay home and study all day. Not that that sounds fun. . . but when you don't have time to do it during a normal week it is the best thing ever. At night I ordered in some Indian food (which I have been craving for a month. . . but Ryan won't go for it. . .) and just enjoyed my snow day.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
A Sad Man
So yesterday I had my first encounter with something so many face in their classes on a daily basis. I was forced to sit in the front of a class in which a teacher discounted what I hold dear. He discounted God.
Ya know. . . at first I was really mad, angry that a man who doesn’t believe in God can preach over the pulpit of man (the lecturer’s podium) his own beliefs. I was angry that I, a christian, can’t even utter my Savior’s name. I thought of how contradictory it is that I am prohibited from saying that God exists, when I can be indoctrinated in the nonexistence of god in a class, which I pay $3000 to take, and have no choice to not listen. I am required to believe (for the time I am in his class) that there is no God, that only science, only the physical exists. There is no truth unless it can be seen, unless it can be proven. As he spoke of the incorrectness of feeling, and the correctness of proof, the invention of God, the invention of religion, etcetera, I became increasingly angry. Then as he looked at me and asked some question or other I looked into his eyes and saw. . . nothing. There was no light, there was no joy, there was no happiness. In that moment my anger turned to sadness. I was so sad for this man who could not prove God. This man who has studied the ways of men for years. This man who specializes in the ways in which variables may be manipulated was himself unmanipulable. He was unable to be allow himself to become the dependent variable, with the independent variable being God. How sad would it be to live a life where there is no one to turn to when something goes wrong but yourself, no one to help you, no one to cry to when your life goes astray. How terrible a life. I live in a world where God has told me how to prove he exists, and I choose to accept his invitation, and not only to step into the unknown in faith, but to continue forward, and I find joy in my belief in the unproveable. I felt so sorry for this sad man.
Ya know. . . at first I was really mad, angry that a man who doesn’t believe in God can preach over the pulpit of man (the lecturer’s podium) his own beliefs. I was angry that I, a christian, can’t even utter my Savior’s name. I thought of how contradictory it is that I am prohibited from saying that God exists, when I can be indoctrinated in the nonexistence of god in a class, which I pay $3000 to take, and have no choice to not listen. I am required to believe (for the time I am in his class) that there is no God, that only science, only the physical exists. There is no truth unless it can be seen, unless it can be proven. As he spoke of the incorrectness of feeling, and the correctness of proof, the invention of God, the invention of religion, etcetera, I became increasingly angry. Then as he looked at me and asked some question or other I looked into his eyes and saw. . . nothing. There was no light, there was no joy, there was no happiness. In that moment my anger turned to sadness. I was so sad for this man who could not prove God. This man who has studied the ways of men for years. This man who specializes in the ways in which variables may be manipulated was himself unmanipulable. He was unable to be allow himself to become the dependent variable, with the independent variable being God. How sad would it be to live a life where there is no one to turn to when something goes wrong but yourself, no one to help you, no one to cry to when your life goes astray. How terrible a life. I live in a world where God has told me how to prove he exists, and I choose to accept his invitation, and not only to step into the unknown in faith, but to continue forward, and I find joy in my belief in the unproveable. I felt so sorry for this sad man.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Modern Conveniences
This weekend has been quite an experience.
Thursday: our landlord came and fixed our heat. . . turns out that instead of making steam to heat the apartment, there was too much water in the thing so we were just boiling water all day long. He also took a look at the unit in my room and fixed it. For the first time this winter it actually got hot. It was the best day ever!
Friday: heat! It's a wonderful thing. Our house actually got into the high 60's (which is so much better than 54 degrees!)
Saturday: Water heater explodes, flooding the basement, and making it impossible for us to take showers. We called the landlord but got no answer. Fun.
Sunday: We woke up and realized that the heat had stopped working completely, not just a little, but completely. It was all of 37 degrees in my room (which technically is cold enough to make snow under certain conditions. . . cool, I woke up in a winter wonderland) On top of it, our hot water was still out and being that it was only 11 degrees outside our cold water was actually almost frozen water. It was so much fun. I spent a good portion of the morning boiling water so I could take some semblance of a shower/sponge bath. Sadly that made me late for church. Our landlord finally called us back, but since it was Sunday couldn't do anything but shut off the waterline going to the hot water heater. In the evening we had people over for dinner, which was a chore because we had to boil water to wash dishes otherwise we couldn't stand to put our hands in the water. We also had to eat in the kitchen so we could be warm enough. Overall, it was quite the experience. Finally around 8pm our heater decided it knew how to turn on again, so we went to bed in warm rooms, and woke up to a warm house!
Monday: Our landlord is currently in our basement replacing our water heater. HOORAY!
Overall it has been quite the experience, I realized that the things I learned on my mission which I never thought I would use come in pretty handy. I know how to take a shower with 5 gallons of water, I know how to do laundry in a bucket, I know how to heat an apartment with a stove, all sorts of things. Experiences like this make me thankful for modern conveniences.
Thursday: our landlord came and fixed our heat. . . turns out that instead of making steam to heat the apartment, there was too much water in the thing so we were just boiling water all day long. He also took a look at the unit in my room and fixed it. For the first time this winter it actually got hot. It was the best day ever!
Friday: heat! It's a wonderful thing. Our house actually got into the high 60's (which is so much better than 54 degrees!)
Saturday: Water heater explodes, flooding the basement, and making it impossible for us to take showers. We called the landlord but got no answer. Fun.
Sunday: We woke up and realized that the heat had stopped working completely, not just a little, but completely. It was all of 37 degrees in my room (which technically is cold enough to make snow under certain conditions. . . cool, I woke up in a winter wonderland) On top of it, our hot water was still out and being that it was only 11 degrees outside our cold water was actually almost frozen water. It was so much fun. I spent a good portion of the morning boiling water so I could take some semblance of a shower/sponge bath. Sadly that made me late for church. Our landlord finally called us back, but since it was Sunday couldn't do anything but shut off the waterline going to the hot water heater. In the evening we had people over for dinner, which was a chore because we had to boil water to wash dishes otherwise we couldn't stand to put our hands in the water. We also had to eat in the kitchen so we could be warm enough. Overall, it was quite the experience. Finally around 8pm our heater decided it knew how to turn on again, so we went to bed in warm rooms, and woke up to a warm house!
Monday: Our landlord is currently in our basement replacing our water heater. HOORAY!
Overall it has been quite the experience, I realized that the things I learned on my mission which I never thought I would use come in pretty handy. I know how to take a shower with 5 gallons of water, I know how to do laundry in a bucket, I know how to heat an apartment with a stove, all sorts of things. Experiences like this make me thankful for modern conveniences.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Random Acts of Kindness
Once in a while, but far more often than one would think possible in a big city in this day and age, I find myself overwhelmed by the little kindnesses people show.
This week I have been astonished at how many people have shown me that people aren't all bad. Wednesday I got off the T at Government Center, and as everyone was pushing and shoving to get by (the T was being taken out of service so literally everyone was getting off) one young man stepped back and invited me to pass him as we were going out the door. I know it was no big deal for him. It cost him a mere second of his life to smile, and say "go ahead" and yet, it made my day. Something so small, so simple, and yet so meaningful.
Today, I decided to take the fast way to where I was going, even if it was going to cost me $1.25 (toll fun) to get there. I had a dollar and found two dimes and a nickle, but as I was slowing down to go through the toll booth, I dropped a dime, and was searching frantically for it. I looked up as the person in front of me pulled away. I opened my wallet to find another dollar so that I wouldn't have to break a 20. As I did the man in the tollbooth waved me forward. "that's odd I thought to myself. . . usually they don't wave me forward. . . I must have been sitting here longer than I had thought." I rolled down my window, and he said "go ahead, the people in the car ahead of you just payed your toll" "wow" I thought. That was so nice of them. They had no idea that I couldn't find the 25 cents. They did something so kind for a complete stranger. It made my day.
As I drove on down the freeway (for it truly was a freeway today, being that I didn't have to pay) I thought to myself about the little things people do for me on a daily basis, some that I recognize, some that I don't. How often do I do things for others? How often do I make the day of a complete stranger? How often do I preform random acts of kindness?
This week I have been astonished at how many people have shown me that people aren't all bad. Wednesday I got off the T at Government Center, and as everyone was pushing and shoving to get by (the T was being taken out of service so literally everyone was getting off) one young man stepped back and invited me to pass him as we were going out the door. I know it was no big deal for him. It cost him a mere second of his life to smile, and say "go ahead" and yet, it made my day. Something so small, so simple, and yet so meaningful.
Today, I decided to take the fast way to where I was going, even if it was going to cost me $1.25 (toll fun) to get there. I had a dollar and found two dimes and a nickle, but as I was slowing down to go through the toll booth, I dropped a dime, and was searching frantically for it. I looked up as the person in front of me pulled away. I opened my wallet to find another dollar so that I wouldn't have to break a 20. As I did the man in the tollbooth waved me forward. "that's odd I thought to myself. . . usually they don't wave me forward. . . I must have been sitting here longer than I had thought." I rolled down my window, and he said "go ahead, the people in the car ahead of you just payed your toll" "wow" I thought. That was so nice of them. They had no idea that I couldn't find the 25 cents. They did something so kind for a complete stranger. It made my day.
As I drove on down the freeway (for it truly was a freeway today, being that I didn't have to pay) I thought to myself about the little things people do for me on a daily basis, some that I recognize, some that I don't. How often do I do things for others? How often do I make the day of a complete stranger? How often do I preform random acts of kindness?
Friday, January 16, 2009
So, I have been pretty stressed out about school. I mean, I know I am going into a new semester and all, but I have been worried, constantly worried about school, about failing, about, well everything since, oh, I don't know. . . the end of September. Today I finally found out my last grade. I didn't fail. I am still officially in the program. I am still a graduate student at Emerson College. I am still on the road to getting a Master's. I have realized over the past 6 months why I came here. I had the option of going to pretty much any school I wanted to, and I chose Emerson College. Not because I wanted to come here, but because first of all, I knew God wanted me in Boston, and second of all I just knew that Emerson was the right school for me. I can remember a dream I had when I was trying to decide between Boston University and Emerson. I can remember in the dream I was going to BU and I just didn't feel right there. Then, i remembered that I could still go to Emerson, I went and found that the people there just made me feel at ease, and that they were willing to work with me. I woke up and knew that if I went to BU I would be alright, but if I went to Emerson I would have people who would help me even when I was having difficulty. Who knew that it would turn out to be as true as it has been. I have had teachers and adviser constantly checking up on me. They have asked me if they can do anything to help me. It seems that I am so cared about, so loved. I mean just today I had a teacher (whose class I failed last semester) tell me that I was a joy, and that she would do anything she could to help me succeed. On Wednesday I had a teacher take an hour just to talk to me about how I was doing. . . and give me a few tips on getting through the classes I am now facing. I am so glad that the Lord led me here, to this place where they actually care about their students. I mean really, is there another graduate school anywhere where the teachers care this much. I can't imagine one. So, when I found out my last grade, instead of crying about getting a B- I cried with joy, and gratitude that I had passed, and that only through the Lord's help I had succeeded in remaining in graduate school. So what can I say, I am thankful.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Growing Up
So I turned 25 a couple weeks ago. 25, wow I never thought I would reach this age. Who knew. And the thing is, I feel so young! I don't feel like a 25-year-old, whatever that is supposed to feel like. I mean I can remember when I was young (those were the days) looking at the 25-year-olds and thinking, "wow, 25, that is OLD!" But alas, now I am there, here, even if I don't feel like it. Its so strange to think of all the things that are so different than I expected. I mean, I was sure I would be married with kids by this point in my life (thank heavens I am not). I didn't even know what grad school was (too bad I still don't). I would be living somewhere in California (mmm warmth, that would be nice). I guess things don't always work out how we plan them (not that I really mind). I am so happy with my life so far, I mean sometimes I think it would be nice to have those things I had planned on, but overall I am pretty sure I got the better deal. I have seen the world, I have served my God, I have gained an education, and I have grown. I am thankful to have done so much with my life so far, and am excited to see how it will all turn out (too bad that involves growing up).
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